More Pleasure Pointers from
Dr. Bat Sheva

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More Pleasure Pointers from Dr. Bat Sheva


Did you know 7-16% of women have Vaginismus?

Vaginismus is a condition where a woman experiences involuntary tightness of the vagina during attempted intercourse. The good news is that EVERY case is treatable and each individual can experience a satisfying sex life.

Botox: A Patient's Story

Pelvic Pain can be debilitating. Luckily, Vaginismus is fixable and not something you're just supposed to "live with". Heather, a former Maze Botox patient, shares her story: "My Vaginismus case was so painful and relentless but the women at Maze were my front line soldiers and got me to where I am today."

On the topic of porn

Recently, a NY Times article ran that focused on our use of the word “porn” for so many other areas of our lives. “Food Porn,” “Real Estate Porn,” and even “Poverty Porn.” Read more

Feeling Sexy Comes Naturally

Or does it? Just like everything else in life, feeling sexy and confident may require a little work and a bit of practice.

There's no such thing as a bad fantasy

Fantasies are part of our erotic brain and are completely normal and healthy. And no matter what kind of fantasies you’re having, remember that here's no such thing as a "bad fantasy!"

The Orgasm Myth That Won't Die

Myth: Most women can orgasm from intercourse alone. This simply isn’t true. Get the real facts and find out why this myth continues to stick around. Read more


When you realize pleasure is yours for the taking, life comes alive. Take the sex points quiz and discover how to feel good tonight.